We have designed a school  project to respond to the anti-social problem in the U K.


Gun and knife crime especially is now one of the commonest crimes committed by youths in the U K.
Anti-social behaviour doesn’t just make life unpleasant, it inhibits the regeneration of disadvantaged areas and creates an environment in which a more vicious circle of crime can take hold.
Our youth die untimely, end up in jail or nurse physical deformities and become a liability to the government and the public. This issue is fast becoming a subject that requires all hands on deck. Lightup Foundation is committed to tackling this problem.
Lack of  guidance and positive role models are some of the factors involved in the perpetuation of anti-social behaviour among the youth of today. These and many more identified reasons are what Lightup is set out to address.
Considering our recent research on youth crime, certain barriers have been identified in solving this problem, and the commonest barrier we encountered is getting to know the members of gangs in schools, because youths involved in anti-social activities do not want to be looked upon as the bad eggs. But we are optimistic that the “LET’S TALK” counselling, mentoring and training programme will help to deal with these issues.
Other barriers include the availability of more qualified facilitators and the cost of the training equipments and materials which we hope to resolve by gaining your partnership. 

We are committed to a range of supportive interventions which can engage the youths in changing their own behaviour and help them to tackle some of the underlying problems.
We plan to send experienced youth project facilitators who have a deep understanding of anti-social behaviour in the UK and also  reformed gang members to selected primary schools and secondary schools within identified boroughs in London.


The goal of “LETS TALK” is to help the youths understand what anti-social behaviour is at the early stage of their lives, create more awareness on its consequences and get them involved in solving the crisis of anti-social behaviour. 

•Increasing the knowledge of youths about the consequences of anti-social behaviour.
•Help to get more youths involved in sanitising the entire community.
•By reaching out to youths in selected schools, we are optimistic that the youths exposed to mentoring, counselling and trainings from Lightup will in turn reach out to others in the community.
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